Eating Out

Eating out and losing weight is really hard.  Things you might think of as innocent, like salads, can be total diet busters.  Cheese, croutons and fatty dressing can turn a pile of lettuce into more calories than a cheeseburger.  My favorite example of this was Einstein Bros Bagel shop.  Their Bistro Salad, even without chicken, has 820 calories!!!  With chicken, it’s 940 Calories!  A Big Mac has only 540 calories!  While 261 of the Big Mac’s calories come from fat, 610 calories from the Bostro Salad come from fat- more that triple that of a Big Mac!  I used to think I was “being good” by getting the salad, but I switched to the Bagel Dog (a hotdog inside a bagel) when I found out that had only 470 calories- a decent amount for lunch.

Today I took the kids out for lunch on this last day of summer vacation, at Ruby Tuesday’s.  I tried their Turkey Mini burgers.  A 4 pack would have been 1000 calories- I had the two turkey burgers with salad on the side, and ate only one, reducing the calories to 250 plus whatever the salad turned out to be.  But even with something like turkey burgers, where you expect you are doing the right thing, the calories are still insane.

Eating out may be the most dangerous thing you can do on a diet.  The additional stuff that goes into food makes anyone trying to be healthy and lose weight want to scream.  And it’s making me ever more vigilant about the numbers, that’s for sure.


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Mobile post sent by WhitneyHoffman using Utterlireply-count Replies.  mp3


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Mobile post sent by WhitneyHoffman using Utterlireply-count Replies.  mp3

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The Parent’s Eye View is Moving!

Hey everyone!

The traffic here at The Parent’s Eye View has really picked up lately.  I can’t tell you how much this means to me, to know that people actually listen and read what I have to say, and engage in the debate occurring online.

In an effort to consolidate the number of blogs I have on the web, I moved a copy of this blog, and all the posts, over to

This new website will let you subscribe to the blog and search it easier, as well as give me a bit more flexibility in terms of changing and updating the site, as well as tracking the statistics.

I hope you’ll think about moving your bookmarks over to the posts at, and continue reading what I have to say.

To give you an idea of what I’ve been writing about over there, here are a few summaries of recent posts:
Strategy Versus Reality– all about how I I understand that elections need to take strategy into account, but I care more about being told the truth in the end.

In the Golden Age of Commerce…. Social and Financial Contracts-About how economic contracts between people work best when both parties have a social reason to do what they promised, as well as a financial interest to protect.
Economic Education- We can’t afford not to– This is about how every child should be taught how money works in school, and how I think we can’t afford not to make basic economics part of the curriculum.

Great Expectations- What Are Yours?-This post is about Philly’s Great Epectations project- a civic engagement project, looking to citizens to help brain storm solutions to some of the thorny problems facing any city today.

Trust and Transparency– a post not only about a book on Transparency coming out soon by my friends John Havens and Shel Holtz, but on how transparency may be the issue we learn the most about in the coming months after the recent collapse on Wall Street.

Are High Interest Rates Bad?-An argument that says high interest rates may actually be good and provide incentive for people to save and make different kinds of investments than the riskier ones found on Wall Street.

Relationships and Trust Agents-This post is about the book being written on Trust Agents by Julien Smith and Chris Brogan, and my fundamental belief that branding and customer service are the only factors left to differentiate products in the marketplace flooded with so many varieties of the same.

I hope you’ll take a look over there and check some of them out. I may continue to post here from time to time, but please expect the majority of content to be found on

Thanks for reading!

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New Media and Politics

Today, my friend Beth Harte and I sat down with Stephanie Abrams from CBS3 here in Philadelphia, to talk a bit about the political climate and how blogs and new media were effecting the election.

Beth and I got to chat for a few minutes after as well.  While I support the Democrats and she the Republicans, I think we are both pretty middle of the road people, with very similar points of view on many issues, and I think this is where most people are- in the center of the bell shaped curve, perhaps falling a bit to the right or left, but not very extreme in any of their viewpoints.

For example, we both agree that the fun and snarky comments online can get pretty out of hand and nasty sometimes, and this does nothing to help either “sides” case- that their candidate is the best one for the job.  We can probably both agree that if you are extremely partisan, it’s easy to just read conservative or liberal blogs, and live in an echo chamber that just magnifies your already entrenched point of view.  What’s harder to do is find decent, reasoned voices and opinions, that take the time to talk about facts (as we know them) and build a reasonable and rational case for either party or candidate.

In recent posts, I’ve talked about how I am not a big fan of Sarah Palin- not because I am some June Cleaver throwback, but I do believe it’s perfectly okay to be a mom and a working person, but I also acknowledge that doing two things at once means often feeling pulled in two directions, and it’s not particularly fun.  I think women can have it all, but the caveat to that is we can’t necessarily have it all at the same time.  We like to pretend everything is rosy and perfect, but being a working Mom is often like having two full time jobs, and only one pays you money, while the other pays you in emotional currency.

But regardless of my position on issues, or Beth’s, we can both agree that having a good new media strategy is essential.  Candidates need to understand we are living in times where hiding the bad news only makes it worse, and being authentic and human is the only way to deal with a changing media landscape.  Those that fail to realize this are taking a very big risk indeed.


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Gender and Politics

One point I share with parents on all the time, (and I got this insight from the great Rick LaVoie), is to NEVER confuse Fair and Equal.  From Merriam Webster:

Equal: 1 a (1): of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another

Fair has many more defintions, but the important ones here are:

Fair: 5: ample <a fair estate

6 a: marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism <a very fair person to do business with> b (1): conforming with the established rules : allowed (2): consonant with merit or importance : due <a fair share>

Simply put, Equal means everyone gets the same, and Fair means everyone should get what the need or deserve.  Things canbe both fair and equal, but frequently they can be either/or, not both, simultaneously.

When we talk about things like gender, we are talking about something that naturally divides people into two categories.  It’s something we can’t do anything about.  Is that fair? Yup.  Is it equal?  No.

Women always have a different part to play in life, because they are capable and frequently do have children.  We can’t outrun or circumvent biology.  As a result, women have certain issues men will never have- Do I get adequate pregnancy leave at work?  If I want to nurse my baby, how do I do that and meet all the requirements they have for me at work?  If I have an unplanned pregnancy, what decision will I make?  All of these decisions are inherent to being a woman.  It doesn’t mean men can’t have feelings or opinions about them, but in the end, the person who is carrying the child has to take responsibility for it.

Notice how we always know who the mother of a baby is, but the paternity can be called into question. It goes like this- one person comes into the hospital, two people come out.  We know for sure who the mother is.  Basic biology.   This is another issue, unique to women.  There aren’t a whole lot of Maternity Suits out there, searching for the unknown mother of a child, to hold them fiscally liable for the child’s expenses.  That would be silly, and unnecessary, since we “register” each new baby by issuing a State birth certificate and now even a social security number, before the baby leaves the hospital.  Except in rare cases of home births and child abandonment, we always know who the Mom is.

So How Does This Gender Difference Affect Politics? Should it?

When women have struggled for equal pay for doing the same job, that is an argument that is about both Fair and Equal.  If both people have the same experience -exactly-, the same education, and the same job, and are performing it equally well, they should be paid the same wage.   Fair and Equal.  If the woman is out of the office more because she has a baby,  her kids are sick, or she is caring for elderly parents, or whatever reason- should this be reflected in her job?  Her job review?

Many working moms watch their sick days and vacation days like a hawk, because they know, sometime during the year, a kid is going to get sick- hopefully not with anything that is like chicken pox, requiring a week or so out of school and thus out of work as well-and if they exceed the maximum number of days they can use, they risk being fired.  Taking a day off to attend a school play or teacher’s meeting?  Great- but you pay for that down the line without a vacation day left for when the child gets sick, you get sick yourself, or you actually want to get away and have a vacation.

Sure, working dads have the same issues.  But in most families, the reality is that when a child is sick or there is an issue at school, 90% of the time it’s the mom who goes in and takes care of the problem.  That may not be equal, and it may not be fair, but it is reality.

Even my husband, a physician, has avoided taking off more than a few hours when we’ve needed him at school meetings, or I have been out of town on business.  It doesn’t ever occur to him to take a sick day or a vacation day-in fact, he’ll sooner have a relative come and help with the kids if I am out of town for an extended period than take a week off of work and use vacation time for child care duties.  And I am perfectly okay with that, and don’t feel it’s a sexist issue at all- I look at it as triaging the situation, and know his patients need him, and this is a high enough need that taking a day off  “because he feels like it” is not part of his nature.    Patients come first.   I get that, and that is part of our family contract, so to speak.  (And I hope all of you out there appreciate that too- you do, and should, come first to your health care provider, often before his own family.)

I doubt this is unusual in most families, even those without wage earners with “important” life or death kind of jobs.  We can argue fairness, equality, and sexism, but reality is  this is the way the world works, liberal or conservative.  Women have a larger share of child care issues, in part because she is the mom, period.  Dads participate and it’s wonderful, but few dads are the sole and primary caretakers of their kids.  Reality, not sexism.

And this means, as a result of my gender, as a result of being a Mom, I see what happens at our local schools more than my husband.  I know the Teachers and Administrators.  I know my child’s physicians. I also know the other parents, my kid’s friends and their parents, and I am the social hub of the family as a result.  Education is a big political issue, and while we all want a good education for our kids, I would imagine most Moms have a better sense of what is happening in the school than Dads, at least 8 out of every 10 times.

There are very few dads on most PTA and PTO committees.  Dads may sit on the school board, but few are out there baking cookies for bake sales and setting up the book fair, independently of their spouse.  Just the facts- gender plays a role, but it doesn’t make it a sex discrimination or sexist issue.

Gender in the Election

When I hear people complaining that Sarah Palin is being treated differently than a man, I answer- “You Bet!  Because she is a woman!  And that is perfectly normal and ok!”

Being a woman doesn’t make Palin any less of a politician, nor does it make her a better one, either.  It doesn’t make her more or less competent as an executive or administrator.  And her husband could be an example for men all over the Country, on how to have a spouse in national politics, and be a role model for stay at home dads.  That’s fantastic and I applaud this.

But I think we do ourselves a disservice if we say we need to factor out gender from politics; that “we would never say that or ask that question if she were a man”.  If women want to play on an even playing field, then they need to compete on the same playing field as men and be okay with it.  They have to be comfortable with their gender and all the questions- good, bad, indifferent, and even the nasty questions that might be asked.  If male politicians can be hounded and examined for every woman they have ever taken out for dinner, women politicians should undego the same scrutiny and be asked if they ever use their gender for their advantage.

Gender does matter, and I think it’s silly to think it isn’t a factor in the election or in politics.  Of course it is.  Some day, maybe it truly won’t matter.  But it does now.  And we shouldl feel very free to discuss it, without apologizing for doing so.

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Sarah Palin as Vice Presidential Candidate and Mom of a Child with a Disability

All morning, I have been on twitter, waiting to find out who John McCain would pick as his Vice Presidential running mate.  Sarah Palin’s name was floated early, in advance of the announcement, and I checked out her bio on Wikipedia.  One thing stuck out immediately for me- she has a baby, born in April 2008, now 5 months old, who has Down syndrome.Down Syndrome is also called Trisomy 21- the children have a third #21 chromosome, and it can cause a series of issues. From Wikipedia:

Individuals with Down syndrome tend to have a lower than average cognitive ability, often ranging from mild to moderate learning disabilities. A small number have severe to profound mental disability. The incidence of Down syndrome is estimated at 1 per 800 to 1,000 births, although these statistics are heavily influenced by the age of the mother. Other factors may also play a role.

Many of the common physical features of Down syndrome also appear in people with a standard set of chromosomes. They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue. Health concerns for individuals with Down syndrome include a higher risk for congenital heart defects, gastroesophageal reflux disease, recurrent ear infections, obstructive sleep apnea, and thyroid dysfunctions.

Early childhood intervention, screening for common problems, medical treatment where indicated, a conducive family environment, and vocational training can improve the overall development of children with Down syndrome. Although some of the physical genetic limitations of Down syndrome cannot be overcome, education and proper care will improve quality of life.

Emphasis added.

In the “Learning disabilities world”, people are often oddly jealous of parents of down’s kids in comparison.  This sounds really weird, right?  How could that be?  Well, parents who know their child has a disability like Down’s from birth, automatically often get hooked up with advocacy groups, help and information like The National Down Syndrome Society, National Association for Down Syndrome, National Down Syndrome Congress, and others.

For parents of kids with other cognitive and even mild learning disabilities, ranging from autism to ADHD and dyslexia, their child’s disability often comes as a surprise, several years after the child is born.  Something seems off.  You wonder whether or not it’s just your imagination.  You have to be a detective, as well as assertive with practitioners to figure out what’s going on.  Too frequently, if a Mom suspects something’s wrong, they also have to deal with the fact that the knee-jerk response from many pediatricians is “wait and see- you are being too nervous.”  These disabilities are not immediately known and obvious, and often blind-side parents who have been assuming everything is just fine and dandy. This road into disability land is really rough for many people, especially for those who aren’t expecting it. But it isn’t easy for anyone, even those who know the road will be different.

Emily Perl Kingsley wrote a moving piece called “Welcome to Holland about her experience of having a child with Down’s Syndrome.  Most of the moms I know whose children have any sort of issue feel very much the same way.  The link above will take you to the piece, but I think it’s equally important to reprint it here for the purposes of this post:

I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability – to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel.  It’s like this……

When you’re going to have a baby, it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip – to Italy.  You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum.  The Michelangelo David.  The gondolas in Venice.  You may learn some handy phrases in Italian.  It’s all very exciting.

After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives.  You pack your bags and off you go.  Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, “Welcome to Holland.”

Holland?!?” you say. “What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy!  I’m supposed to be in Italy.  All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy.”

But there’s been a change in the flight plan.  They’ve landed in Holland and there you must stay.

The important thing is that they haven’t taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease.  It’s just a different place.

So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language.  And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.

It’s just a different place.  It’s slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy.  But after you’ve been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around…. and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills….and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy… and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there.  And for the rest of your life, you will say “Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.”

And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever  go away… because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.

But… if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things … about Holland.

Having a child who is different is a challenge.  It takes lots of time.  You go from doctor’s appointment to therapists to psychologists.  You have IEP meetings with teachers and educators.  You have a whole program of enrichment you need to do at home, to keep your child on track and make them successful and hopefully, eventually, independent.

This post is not supposed to be a giant pity party about the difficulties parents face when they have a child with a disability.  There’s plenty of fun and joy and laughter, but let me not delude you for a moment to say that it is a heck of a lot of work and requires a heck of a lot of time.  Then there’s the whole issue of how much siblings lose out when so much time is spent helping the child with a disability, but we’ll save that one for a different day.

While I will be one of the first people in line to be empathetic with Sarah Palin and the challenges she faces ahead of her with her son, I think she is deluding herself that she can be both a great mom to a child with a disability and the Vice President of the United States.  Heck, most moms I know have enough problems being a mom, holding a job, handling homework, and volunteering with the PTA.

Having a job like Vice President basically is a 24 x 7 type of position.  She will be required to sit in the Senate.  She will have meetings all over the world.  Yes, I have heard of nannies. But her son will require tons of care and attention, consistently, and especially during his early years, to ensure he develops to the maximum of his potential.  And I worry that being Vice President means she will miss all of that, or leave it to her other children and/or caretakers to take her place.

So many times, it’s a mom’s observation of her child and their subtle behaviors that let you know what’s normal and what’s not.  It helps clue professionals and therapists to possible treatments and underlying problems.  There’s a story in Dr. William Sears’ book The Successful Child (p.40) about how one mom knew there was a problem with a new speech therapist’s perception of what her child needed and what was wrong, and it was only through observation and being able to explain how her child was at home, that the Mom could convince the speech therapist to try something new, and that seemed to make all the difference.

I am a firm believer, that whether you are a working mom or a stay at home mom, you need to be an active part in your child’s life and you need to know them well, in order to advocate well for them.  You can’t outsource this responsibility to others- no one else has the same love and attachment for your child as you do.  I am sure Palin’s husband may take over this role if she becomes Vice President, but he won’t be able to be the baby’s mom.

Sarah Palin faces a difficult and challenging and rewarding journey ahead with her children and family.  And I have sincere doubts that both her job as a Mom to a child with a severe disability and her potential job as VP will get all the attention they deserve if she tries to do them both simultaneously.

Sarah Palin’s child is very young right now, and I don’t think she can fully appreciate the path that is laid out before her. If someone called and offered me the Vice Presidency, I would have a hard time saying no as well.  It is a once in a lifetime, career opportunity.  It could change the course of her life, and the life of our country and even the world.  Even the nomination is important. This is an uncommon situation.

But I think it would be tragic to outsource her child for the sake of this position- a childhood is something that cannot be replayed or recaptured when it is convenient, or when the term is over.  What kind of treatment and therapy this child gets over the next few years will help determine the course of the rest of his life- every expert says early intervention is key.  Is this child’s future something that should be in play?

We will see how this all plays out.  As someone who has children with relatively minor learning issues, who talks to parents who have kids with many more complex issues than mine, and who interviews experts in the field of learning and education, I can say I doubt they make a day long enough for Sarah Palin to be both Vice President of the United States and an involved mom of a child with a disability.  And for all the heroics that she may be painted with for the next 67 days, for having 5 children, including one being deployed to Iraq as well as an infant with Down’s, and the host of other merit badges that support her selection, I honestly believe she cannot yet appreciate the challenges she will face with her son.


George Will has a son with Down Syndrome and wrote an interesting piece about it in Newsweek, wondering whether or not prenatal testing is leading too many women to choose to abort fetuses with Down Syndrome.  I do not consider any of this a debate about abortion or genetic anomalies, or anything other than the amount of time and care involved in raising children with disabilities.  There is no doubt that people with Down Syndrome can lead fine lives, but this also means having great care and loving, involved parents to make sure it happens.

Randy Alcorn also talks about his son with Down Syndrome here. Correction- this link is to an excerpt of the George Will Article in Newsweek, on Randy Alcorn’s website, and is not about Randy’s own family.

The National Down Syndrome Society talks about the need and importance of early intervention here. Some of the things a child with Down’s will need includes:

When should early intervention start?

Early Intervention should begin any time shortly after birth, and continue until the child reaches age three. The sooner early intervention begins, the better, however, it’s never too late to start. Once it is determined that your baby has Down Syndrome, you may contact your local early intervention specialist and arrange for an evaluation and assessment.

What is Early Intervention?

Based upon patterns of development, early intervention is a systematic program of physical therapy, exercise and activity designed to remedy developmental delays that may be experienced by children with Down syndrome. In many instances, the program is individualized to meet the specific needs of each child, and to help all infants and children reach growth milestones in every area of development. Early intervention helps in each of the four main areas of development: gross motor and fine motor skills, language, social development and self-help skills.


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The VP Pick -Behind the Scenes

As Joe Biden was being considered as a running mate for Barak Obama, reporters from all over began to camp out on a scenic road in Wilmington, that gets most of its traffic when the school down the street is in session.  Driving by and taking a look at the reporters, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for them, waiting for hours on end, hoping they would have a news story to report.  And I felt sorry for the Bidens and the neighbors, who clearly have to deal with every move they make being watched and analyzed for any hint of a story.

I ended up bringing some cookies and brownies to them, since I knew one of the cameramen, NewMedia Jim, through Podcamp EDU and Podcamp DC.  Jim is a wonderful guy, and knowing he was spending endless hours away from his family, trying to get brief shots of Joe Biden coming and going from his house seemed like a lot of time, for somewhat prosaic footage.

But this is how the news game and media game is played now.  Reporters and cameramen wait, on call, at a site of possible news, hoping they have been sent to the “right” location.  They have to be vigilant for any movement of people and the crowd, so they get the footage that makes their trip worth while.  We need news as it happens, next day or later in the day is not good enough- we have to feed the 24 hour news machine.  (And I am glad Biden was chosen, even if only to have made the camping out worth while- I feel sorry for those waiting at Senator Bayh’s house…)

What’s more interesting is how New Media also changes the game.  The story is sometimes as much about the wait as it is of the event itself.  The locals driving by Biden’s to check out the whole brouhaha was shown for a while live on CNN.  Snippets of the possible selection were gleaned by checking websites like, that tell the registered flights coming and going from certain locations.  Was the plane from Chicago Midway to Wilmington Friday night “the plane” that would take Biden to Springfield for the announcement?  The flight that took him to Springfield was registered and showed its departure time openly on this website, but, of course, only shortly before it took off, and well after the news had been announced.

An ABC news reporter found out a secret service detail had been dispatched to Wilmington before the announcement was made, and this was reported online- while we weren’t sure if it was true, it turned out to be a pretty good predictor of the choice in advance of the breaking news.

This frenzy to get a story also meant that red herrings like printing up Obama- Bayh bumper stickers in advance, and this news leaking to the press to throw them off the scent.  Yet it makes you wonder how much time and money (and even perhaps Sen. Bayh’s dashed hopes) were all involved in this process of cat and mouse, chase and deception.

News travels faster than ever before online, through Twitter, blogs, cell phones.  We basically have to assume these days that you have no privacy except perhaps in your own home;  that your digital footprint regarding travel, plans and almost anything else can easily be tracked by laymen, if they so choose.

The questions about what this means for safety and privacy abound.  You either decide you just simply need to live your life in such a way that everything you do is honest and responsible and therefore, you are unlikely to care much what people know about you.  Or, in the alternative, you have to lead a cloak and dagger kind of life, carefully monitoring everything you do and say, and ultimately, deciding not to do or say very much for fear of what could happen later on.

I worry about the way we stalk public figures, whether in entertainment or politics or public life- it’s pretty unfair, but we say they chose this life, and therefore it’s okay.  But what boundaries still exist when there is an infinite number of media resources looking for the next big thing?  And when do we simply start to tune out, because too much information is just that- more distracting noise, taking our attention away from things that might matter more.

I got very caught up in the local drama of whether Joe Biden would get picked as Obama’s running mate, hoping it was him, because I genuinely admire and like Joe Biden, and voted for him repeatedly when we lived in Delaware.  I think he will be excellent and really help barak Obama be a great next president of the US.  But I hope we all can get used to the fact that “our” town may become a little different than ever before.   Our local boy is in the spotlight, and the news cycle has just begun.

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Political Theater

The Political conventions are coming up, and we’re all waiting to see who the candidates pick as their Vice President.  Reporters and journalists are camped out in front of Joe Biden’s house, just a few miles away,  and I am sure this scene is being repeated at all other contenders homes, just in case.

I worry that the Conventions are no longer substantive, but just several days of media created stage craft.  Previews of the convention site make it look more like a Super Bowl half-time show than a stage for discussing the future of our Country.  And I think the money being spent to convince people of one candidate over another is becoming all about effective marketing and less about substance, which is a worry.  Because flash over substance is what got us into this debacle in the first place.

In Delaware,  the locals are both bemused and slightly aghast at the local version of this Show (and Wilmington is historically one of those popular places to try out shows before they hit Broadway) .  A friend of mine is driving her son to track practice at the school within 500 yards from Senator Biden’s house, and said she hopes the brouhaha is long over by the time school starts.  I drove by to see the fuss and ran into New Media Jim, a cameraman from NBC News, so we came back later and dropped off cold drinks and snacks for them.  It’s like a line for fantastic concert tickets, with everyone camping out for days, waiting for the box office to open.

The drama and the wait is fun on some levels- what will it be?  But the days on end of speculation end up seeming a bit silly, really.  There will be a VP candidate, and while I hope it is Biden- I worry that coming from such a small state like Delaware, he might get passed up for someone who has more “prizes” attached to him.

I can’t say that I know Joe Biden very well.  Like all politicians in Delaware, he is very personal, and we see him all the time, at local eateries and coffee shops.  I saw him the day after the Iowa caucuses where he closed his presidential bid, having coffee and I spoke with him for a few minutes.  I thanked him for all the help he’s given the hospital where my husband works and does clinical research.  Joe is a pleasant guy, and while he is a political legend both in Delaware and nationally, he still is just Joe around here.

Delaware has 2 senators and one congressman; two democrats and one republican (respectively).  They are all friends and commute to DC together regularly.  Delaware is so small you have to know not only how to reach across the aisle, but you also know everything you say or do is public, all the time.  Everywhere you go, you run into someone you know, or someone who knows someone you know- the Peyton Place of States.  Also a place with very long memories- people remember who you were as a child or when you first came to town, who your friends were- it’s real life social networking, whether you like it or not.

(For example, a friend was once complaining about another person we both knew in line for a theater performance; her best friend was standing behind her, and word got back very quickly.  My response?  Typical Delaware.  If you have to do character assassination of someone, do it at home, not in public.)

Hopefully, this means Joe will not have any John Edwards problems, and will be the same stand-up guy with a devotion to being a straight shooter, who comes from a State too small to be overly partisan, where pragmatism ends up ruling the day.

Good Luck, Joe.  I hope it’s you.

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Narrowcasting- Where’s the Market?

Ars Technica reports that Pandora may end up going out of business, now that the fees required by SoundExchange for royalties for internet radio have increased three-fold.  Pandora is a great service, and has something called the Music Genome Project, where it recommends new artists to you based on music you already like.  It creates a whole radio station for you of music, based on an artist of genre, and will give you more music it finds of that same “type” and it’s simply fantastic.  I love this feature, and it’s like the music version of Amazon recommendations, except it’s all free.

So for example, I like the Bare Naked Ladies.  On my custom radio channel, I get Bare Naked Ladies, John Mayer, The Dave Matthews Band, and others.  On the Lyle Lovett channel, I get Lyle, Wayland Jennings, Joe Cocker, and Jack Johnson- who I had never heard of before.  I then went and purchased his album on iTunes, straight from the Pandora site.

You can decide by voting whether you like a song and want to hear more of that or less, and Pandora takes it all into account.  You essentially get to be your own program director at your own radio station- and it’s amazing.  By programming my “likes” into the service, I get more of what what I do like, I get exposed to new music, I get the radio station of my dreams, but commercial free, and it’s all so simple.

I’ve taken services like Pandora for granted.  As a podcaster, I listen to a tremendous amount of audio all the time- editing interviews, listening to other shows, and sometimes I forget how pleasant it is just to have Pandora playing in the background.  And of course, now that it is hanging on the edge, I am nervous about what I’ll do if it’s gone.

Pandora may also face problems that podcasters still face- people aren’t sure how to access all the great programming available out there, or the options available to them, because they simply don’t realize it exists.  Taking a random poll of my non-new media friends, few people really knew about Pandora, and how fantastic it is.  This tells me that it’s not that Pandora doesn’t have huge potential- it is awesome- but it needs to crack into the main stream more.  More people, like my mom, need to understand how fantastic Pandora is, in order to take advantage of what it offers.  And this requires companies to expand their advertising beyond the 20 somethings and consider other demographics, like Moms with kids.

As a Mom of a 13 and ten year old boy, kids on the verge of becoming teen music junkies, Pandora lets me plug in some of my favorite artists and find others that are of the same ilk- a perfect way for parents and kids to become exposed to music they can share together.  So for example, I can plug in Bare Naked Ladies and John Meyer, and then I also get Toad the Wet Sprocket, the Dave Matthews Band, and other artists that don’t make my ears bleed while working.  And it’s music I can “wean” my kids on, while gradually extinguishing the High School Musical style music, but not jumping them straight into  50 Cent.

Yet I am sure the idea of mixing demographics and hitting an older and more maternal audience might not be the first thing Pandora thinks about.  But the fact is that programming radio to our own tastes, beyond just the ipod is a huge innovation- I just think it is way under-appreciated. And I know a whole cadre of Moms who would love this option, especially in the car, when commercial radio stations don’t provide a format that could be described as “Family friendly” unless it is programming to really young children, like the Disney Channel.  There isn’t  much of a selection for real music programming that has a chance to meet with kid and Mom approval, while broadening both of their music tastes.

Because the beauty of Pandora’s service is under-appreciated,   Sound Exchange sees an opportunity to put Pandora out of business with the vast increase in fees.  Yet Pandora and other internet radio stations need to do their work as well, to make sure people realize why they should care if Pandora struggles- they have to work to extend their reach so more people care, write Congress, and get involved.  But you can’t get that grass root support without making sure people know why you are so important in the first place.  And this means realizing more people need your service than just hipsters-  in fact, I would bet the demographic that needs the service is more of that NPR crowd in the first place.

I hope Pandora doesn’t go away- this would be a tremendous sadness for me personally.  But I also think they need to make sure the word gets out farther than it has so far.  Because more people need to care, beyond the first wave adopter geeks like me.

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